She was seen in the house twice by David and he watched her as she ran back under the fence and down the street. We decided after her third visit that she likes Raffy and has no fear of him - so we adopted her!
She is white with a big black ‘spot’ around her right eye. Because ‘spot’ in Spanish is ‘pinta’, that is what her name became!

Pinta is about 1/4 the size of Raffy and she is fearless! Knowing that she is a stray, we have been able to identify that there was at least a Dalmation and Terrier somewhere in her bloodline. She has black ‘spots’ on her pink skin under her white hair along with the Terrier traits of barking at everything and anything. I have never seen a dog SO small growl and snarl like cujo when playing with a big dog like Raffy. She considers him to be the 'boss' and lets him move her around by the neck with his mouth!!!
Like the song "Ebony and Ivory" they are not only black and white but they "live together in perfect harmony".